Vratna canyon

Although long only 20 km, Vratna river is extraordinary and her ravine is one of the most beautiful in Serbia. On its way, it goes through 3 areas – natural stone bridges , around 50 m high. They are also called gates of Vratna. Tourists mostly visit first two since they are reachable in 10 minutes. There is a marked walking path starting from a female monastery Vratna. In a forest, which reminds more of a rain forest, twittering of birds and gurgling of a river can be heard. The third gate is 3 km far and it is reachable through a very narrow canyon, which is a place where only experienced mountaineers pass, or on a path through the forest, but that is less attractive.

You can reach Vratna taking a road Negotin - Kladovo. After crossing the bridge, you should turn left. The road leads through a typical small places of that area, Slatina and Urovica, whose inhabitants are mostly working and living in West Europe. The money they are earning is being spent on building lavish houses. There is also a possibility to come here by bus since there is a bus line to Negotina.

Canyons Serbia


Canyons Serbia


Canyons Serbia


Canyons Serbia

Negotin 30 km

East Serbia Travel Map

East Serbia - travel map


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