Transport - Train, bus or car?

Bus travel

For transport from other countries to Serbia, see Getting to Serbia. Thousands of modern, luxurious buses roar between Serbian cities and towns daily. This is how most Serbians travel. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get fares and schedules, but you can do that easily when you arrive in Serbia. Departures are frequent, and you don't need advance reservations on most routes. Here are sample routes, fares and travel times from Belgrade to many cities.

Bus travel is the easiest, cheapest, most popular way to travel in Serbia. The buses, operated by many large or small companies, are modern and comfortable,

Serbian buses are not equipped with toilets, so use the facilities in the terminal before your board.

Departures are frequent, and fares are low to moderate. There's even service to Greece, Bulgaria and other Balkan countries, and Europe. You needn't reserve in advance except around holidays and weekend..It's often possible to just go to the bus terminal on the day you want to travel, buy a ticket, and board the next bus.

At holiday times, seats on the bus you'd prefer to take might be fully booked 1 – 2 days in advance.

Car travel

A car is useful mostly for travel to specific region. Car travel gives you freedom to go where you want, but it has some disadvantages: it is expensive, and sometimes is better to take a travel guide with car, because usually there are not signposts (except on the main roads).

Train travel

You should forget on train in Serbia. Trains are to slowly and usually late 2 – 3 hours. For example train from Belgrade to Nis (distance 230 km) travels

5 hours. You should use train only when you want sleeping car for long distance, if you travel from Serbia to other Balkan countries.


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